ARCHIVES of all ARTICLES on stress, relationships, and life in general

by Elia Strange


Stress and health

Symptoms of stress

Signs and stages of stress

Stress and Illness

Mental Burnout and Breakdown

What to do when you are stressed

Reduce your stress instantly

Stress and your genes

Stress and heart attack

How stress affects your health: What stress is doing to your body

Why am I tired all the time?

15 sure signs of stress

STRESS and your DIET

Stress and diet

Why do you need to eat healthy

22 Latest findings about sugar

13 Facts about sugar addiction

How to stop (or reduce) your sugar addiction


Stress and sleep

Why am I sleeping too much

What are our dreams

Do I have a sleep disorder

What happens to my health when I don't sleep enough

How to get a good night sleep (professional recommendations)

Sexual dreams and your sleeping position

Are memory foam mattresses worth it?

Is an eye mask good for sleeping?

Your RELATIONSHIPS with others


How do we choose our partners and friends

Why do we find some people attractive

Why do I "always" need to be in a relationship (to be happy)

Why am I lonely

What is Social Rejection

Why do we fall in love

Interesting facts about marriage

Why am I jealous?

How to make people like you?

10 tips to strengthen your marriage


Reduce stress

What to do when you are stressed

Reduce your stress instantly

How to be happy in this "unhappy" world

How to be more assertive

How to solve a problem quickly

7 Reasons for our unhappiness

Best Ways to Manage your Stress

Manage your stress at work

How to be resilient to stress

How to stop negative thinking


Your Life

What is assertiveness

Stop your irrational thoughts in 6 simple steps

Common irrational beliefs

Why pregnant women have morning sickness

Life's too f***ing short

Mindfulness: Reduce your stress

Are holidays worth it?

Would you move abroad?

How to get what you want

How to look confident

How to be more patient

What is love - in children' words

Why do I forget things?

Should I give to a charity?

Exercise tips: 8 easy exercising ideas for losing weight


About me & Contact

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Best Articles:

10 tips to strengthen your marriage

Best ways to manage your stress

How to get what you want (the Law of Attraction)

Why do I need to eat healthy?

Signs and stages of stress

13 Facts about sugar addiction

7 Reasons for our unhappiness

Why people commit suicide

How to get a good night sleep

Try these Tests and Quizzes:

Is it time to take stress seriously?

How well do you know yourself?

Can you talk to teenagers?

Do you have a time to recreate?

Can you cope with stress well?

The Latest Articles:

Green Smoothie Recipe

Stress in Parents and Carers of disabled children (VIDEO)

Did you find your dream job yet?

Is an eye mask good for sleeping?

How to look and appear confident

Why am I tired all the time?

Exercise tips: 8 easy ideas for losing weight and become fitter

15 Sure signs that you are stressed

Are memory foam mattresses worth it?

How stress affects your health: What stress is doing to your body

How to get what you want (the Law of Attraction)

How to be more patient

How to deal with SAD: Autumn depression

How to stop negative thinking

How bad is your memory? (Fun Quiz)

What is love - in children words

How to make people like you?

Why do I forget things?

10 Tips to strengthen your marriage

Would you move abroad?

Are holidays worth it?